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What’s Your Number? Flow Versus Pot.

Have you ever played a game with your friends, where you discuss how much money you would need to retire? What size of pot would you have to have accumulated?

I remember one time playing this game about 15 years ago, and a friend decided that he would need £15 million. With this you could buy a fine home, some nice cars and a place in the country for weekend getaways. With the remaining £8 million, you could invest it for some cashflow to pay for the food, financing, and fun. Invested at 5%, you could gross £400,000 per year. This would make most people pleased.

Strangely, that little bit of friendly, whistful thinking was what many people would call their estate, or retirement, planning.

The one significant challenge most people found in this friendly game, was that it would take the majority of people far to many long years of work to amass that level of savings in a pot.

So maybe look at it another way. What level of cashflow could you live on and be happy? £1,000 per month? £8,000? £27,000? £376,000 per month? £3 million per month or more? It may be easier for many people to find a lower level of cashflow income, of several thousand pounds per month, coming from some investments (Dividend stocks, bonds, property, royalties, etc), than to work, save and build a large pot.

Could you do a side hustle, online perhaps, that, over the next three years, you could build up from £100 cashflowing income per month to say £5,000? If that money could be generated by a more passive income, imagine your free time too.

So how much would you need to earn, as a bare minimum, on a monthly basis? How could you start trying to make this extra income? Think about it. Do some research. Change your life!


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