CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Productive Downtime

It’s amazing how you can find pockets of time in your day to be productive. This could be while waiting in a queue, while others are sleeping or when some people would go for a nap or get entertained.

By squeezing some productivity in between the cracks in the day, you can get more done and leave rest time, strictly for rest.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Behind The Stories

Who is telling the story? What is your bias towards them? If you like them, trust them, or are comfortable with them, you are very likely to agree with whatever they say. You will not look deeper, and simply assume they are telling you the truth.

You really need to

CategoriesActionThink About It

The Backstory

Ask questions about the history of things. There is a lot to learn. Get into the nitty gritty specifics. This can be fascinating.

My son and I were watching the Winnipeg Blue Bombers play their arch rivals the Saskatchewan Roughriders. He asked me why one team had their brand name (Blue Bombers) on the front of their jerseys while the other had their place name (Saskatchewan).

Then he queried why one was a city name and the other was a name of a province (great question!). I had no idea, so began reading about it online. A very interesting story, it was, especially when you add in the situation with the Rough Riders from Ottawa. The fact that both teams were also red and black added to the unusual tale. Look it up.

Backstories can be so interesting. Though, like anything, check different, and especially opposing sources, so you can triangulate around the truth.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItUncategorized

Feel But Then Think

We feel first. But do we reflect on those feelings properly and often enough?

We have an ability to understand ourselves better yet few people take the pause to really consider this.

If you feel harshly about someone, what is the real feeling from? Don’t consider why you think you feel that way. Rather, try to understand what it is that is creating the actual feeling for you.