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Push Through Uncomfortable

When you find something to be a bit beyond your comfort level, there are several things you can do. You can ask someone, who may know more, for some guidance, or you can carry on trying to figure it out on your own. Some people, many I believe, will just stop trying, give up and do other things that are easier or within their comfort zone.

However, where you get your greatest growth to propel you to the next level of thinking and life, is when you push through uncomfortable feelings and grow as a person.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Fear Focus

Expecting disaster in any aspect of life is a good way to invite mental health issues.

Very many newspapers, news radio, news media, some recording artists and many individuals focus on fear and disillusionment. It is a road to horrible.

As Yoda said in Star Wars, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

When you consume trash, expect trash in your system.

You can change this. Ween yourself off of the news. Unless you’ve met someone, or listen to people who have spent significant time with them, then you are being used by the media to think certain things and in certain ways about that person or event.

Of the thousands of pieces of information that they could feed you, they’ll feed you the spiciest so you’ll keep coming back. However, like just about anything in excess, you’ll start to regret having any.

Focus on positive words, reports, sayings, activities and people. Let the rest land where it may, but don’t let it be in your lap.

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Uncertainty usually creates anxiety. It is not a pleasant state to be in. The best cure for this is certainty. We get certainty by taking action and getting results.

Any result, good or bad, can reduce the uncertainty and therefore anxiety. So when in doubt, get moving toward your goal and create outcomes.

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Be Confident

Throw your shoulders back, bring your chin up a little, smile and say, “Of course they want me, I’m quite good”.

Walk around like that all day for a couple of weeks and watch your life change. A lot of success in life is about being confident. If you appreciate all the things you have done and all your experiences, it is easier to see why you should be confident and ready for everything going forward.

You may not start off brilliant, but knowing you’ll get better with effort is so important. Because at least you’ll try!

Be confident. Sometimes that’s all you have.

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Rational Thought

Do not be led by fear. Some concern is fine but to assume that all negative or fear-based ideas will come true is unnecessary.

People say a lot of things. Ignore most of them. Also, understand their bias. They are probably trying to influence you for a reason. If they use facts, they are genuine. If they name-call, use fear or invoke strong negative emotion, they are playing you for a fool; and enjoying your naivety.