CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Take Responsibility

Learn to take responsibility for your thoughts, actions and mistakes, your team, your family and your life in general.

Be the person that says I did it despite the issue. Or say I tried. Just don’t say they stopped you or blame others.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Thankful For Modern Medicine

It’s truly incredible. How you would have had to be treated in the best hospitals in the world just 100 years ago is vastly different from today.

There are so many things you would simply have died of back then, which are survive and thrive able today.

Thank your lucky stars that you live in this world today. There’s never been a better time to be alive.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeThink About ItTime

It Takes A Team

Surgery. Not something you want to have to go through. Ever.

Yet, how brilliant is it that somebody figured out how to fix internal organs and other bits. So now rather than live with a life altering condition, you can be all sorted in a few hours as a day case.

We live incredible times.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Find The Positive

It’s easy to find the negative in pretty much anything. Now make your brain work a little harder. Find the positive in everything.


First, while you’re busy looking for positive things to say, your brain will be too busy to notice the negative things. Secondly, by looking for the positive, you’ll create a habit for yourself and looking for the positive will get easier and become default normal.

Thirdly, you’ll soon be a happier person overall and everyone you know will notice the wonderful difference.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Be A Cheerleader For Your Spouse

If nothing else, this is a minimum. Always say the best things to them to support them. Encourage them. Help them shine.

Tell your kids about their greatness. Remind your friends of their better side and all the good things.

This is what our partners need and what we need in return.

The more you do this, the more you’ll realise what a wonderful person you have and how lucky you are. The opposite is also true.

It’s the same person but the more you appreciate them, the better they seem. And vice versa. Your choice.

After many years, the outcome of those choices can be very different.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Keep Calm And Knock Firmly

This is what you do when you are accidentally locked out of your own house. Long story, but after an extra long day of work, I arrived home in the wee hours and could not get in.

I was texting, calling, FaceTiming, WhatsApp-ing, knocking and a variety of other things. Note to self, doorbell needs new batteries!

After 30 minutes, with my patience waning, and the cold was locked into my hands and feet, and moving higher, I tried one last firm knocking beat on the front window…

With no discernible difference inside, I turned to go sleep in the car or find a hotel room for the remainder of the night. But then voilá. My lovely wife appeared at the door and sweetly let me in.

Keep calm and knock firmly saves the day!