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The Backstory

Ask questions about the history of things. There is a lot to learn. Get into the nitty gritty specifics. This can be fascinating.

My son and I were watching the Winnipeg Blue Bombers play their arch rivals the Saskatchewan Roughriders. He asked me why one team had their brand name (Blue Bombers) on the front of their jerseys while the other had their place name (Saskatchewan).

Then he queried why one was a city name and the other was a name of a province (great question!). I had no idea, so began reading about it online. A very interesting story, it was, especially when you add in the situation with the Rough Riders from Ottawa. The fact that both teams were also red and black added to the unusual tale. Look it up.

Backstories can be so interesting. Though, like anything, check different, and especially opposing sources, so you can triangulate around the truth.

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Feel But Then Think

We feel first. But do we reflect on those feelings properly and often enough?

We have an ability to understand ourselves better yet few people take the pause to really consider this.

If you feel harshly about someone, what is the real feeling from? Don’t consider why you think you feel that way. Rather, try to understand what it is that is creating the actual feeling for you.

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Thank God Trump Is Alive

Like him or not, the assassination attempt on Saturday was shocking but not surprising.

The left leaning politicians, media and other assorted people with megaphones or an opinion, have been wishcasting for President Trump’s untimely death, murder, for 8 years now.

Say horrible, misleading and often untrue things about someone for long enough and of course you’ll get some would-be hero to step up and be the assassin.

Murder is wrong. Premeditated murder is definitely wrong. Yet, so many have ratcheted up the hateful sentiment over the years. If you are one of them, go look in the mirror. Helping to create the environment for evil to flourish in, should not be a proud moment for a good person.

World War I started with the assassination of one leader. When you invite Evil to your door, don’t expect it to wait for an ok to come in.

Many on the centre right had said for 6-8 months that this day was likely to come as The President and his followers continued to attack Donald Trump’s character rather than debate policies.

Trump wants to unite everyone. And I hope he does. I hope people with fear, anger and hate in their hearts will realise that they’ve been sold an evil perspective by the media and they can break the trance at any time.

Thank God Trump is alive.

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Best For Who?

The greatest good. That is a great phrase.

Listening to some politicians and journalists, you might think they only want what is best for themselves or the party / media outlet they work for.

What happened to the greatest good? Was it ever there even?

Ideally we would have people working for the greatest good of the most people while allowing any others to still thrive.

Unfortunately we have a lot of, “my way is the only way” thinking and actions which demonstrate some people would rather destroy others than lose power or adjust philosophically to accommodate more people.

When this happens, two tribes go to war. If you’re at all in a warring camp, blinded by fear, hate, distrust and disproportionate criticism, then try to pull out of this before it goes any further.

It is often hard to see our own destructiveness and personal challenges, but look inward, and see how you can help balance conversations and act for the greatest good.

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Play Fair

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Play the game in the spirit of which it was intended, not how far you can bend the rules to your favour.

It’s nice to win. It is also nice to be the party in power. However, people don’t like being played or seeing things that truly seem unfair.

The pendulum swings harder and further to the other side when people try to keep it in their favour too long.

Enjoy your time at the top but learn how to let go and let the natural changes occur.

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Rational Thought

Do not be led by fear. Some concern is fine but to assume that all negative or fear-based ideas will come true is unnecessary.

People say a lot of things. Ignore most of them. Also, understand their bias. They are probably trying to influence you for a reason. If they use facts, they are genuine. If they name-call, use fear or invoke strong negative emotion, they are playing you for a fool; and enjoying your naivety.