CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Pay Attention

Pay attention or pay the price. If you’re not tracking the key things in your life, they can easily, and quickly, go off track.

If you’re not paying attention to your fitness, you’ll spend more money on a new wardrobe, PT’s and diet/fitness books than you would have on a gym membership.

Keep your relationship in focus or the cost of divorce will be far more than a few date nights and a weekend escape or two.

Pay attention to your finances too. Make sure your income is correct and your outgoings too. A slip or two in a month could spell disaster in a few years or a fabulous retirement if caught early.

It pays to pay attention.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Find A Way

There is always a way. Sometimes it is difficult and other times it is easy. In certain cases you’ll need to make unanticipated sacrifices, while at other moments it will be smooth sailing.

Regardless, where there is a will, there is a way. Find it!!!!

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItTime

Your Last Time

There is always a last time. We just don’t always know when it will be.

Times you’ll know it’s your last time can be your last day sitting at your desk at school, the last time you you drive a car before you sell it and your last day working for a company.

Although sometimes you won’t know it’s the last time while it is happening. Your last goodbye to a friend, the last time you speak with one of your parents or the last time you wake up in your bed.

Appreciate every day and every encounter. Give heartfelt goodbyes, as one will inevitably be the last.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Write Down Your Dreams

Get creative. Remember your childhood dreams. Think of new dreams. Write all of these down.

Get them in some sort of priority order. Perhaps start with the easiest to achieve. Then the least expensive to most expensive. You definitely want a list of things that are to do before I am unable to.

Start mapping these dreams out on a calendar. Things you’ll do this year go on there now and the rest get years and months written next to each item.

Get these dropped into your life. Then work like heck to make each one happen.

CategoriesActionThink About ItTime

In 5 Years

You’ll either be dead or 5 years older. Let’s hope you’re just older.

What wonderful things will you have done in that time? Don’t know? Well you better start planning some then. Or you’ll just get whatever you get.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Develop A Sense Of Awe

That you were born is rather incredible. If all your body parts are working, some with no effort from you, it’s nearly a miracle.

That Earth is spinning out in space and we don’t fly off.

The mind – how does that work?! Where do thoughts come from?

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTimeWeight

Remember To Stop

Too often things get taken too far. You can see this in so many different circumstances.

Often it is far better to enjoy the win and be content, then to seek more than you had originally wanted.

Here are some examples:

Having a few more snacks or cakes than you should. Eventually you’ve put on 3 stone.

Having a few too many drinks and waking up half way through the next day with a cracking hangover.

Putting a few little things on a credit card knowing you can’t pay off the balance. Then a few more. Soon you’re paying £1,000s in interest, yet lost interest in whatever you’re paying for.

Getting a club together to defend yourselves, like NATO, can sound like a good idea. Then after feeling quite secure, you keep adding more and more members. You feel more secure and confident but others may become more concerned and defensive.

There are many, many other examples from women’s rights (is equal enough?), unions (group v individual) and tech (how far is too far, like kissing a robot?), to buying shoes (Ms Marcos), and political coverups (it always starts small and then like a black hole, begins to engulf everything).

The key is to moderate and balance while checking the details frequently so matters don’t get out of control.

Review frequently and track progress. Don’t push things too far or you can do some damage (Like running further than you should). There is always pain after things are pushed too far. Better to stop things a little earlier than build up to a devastating situation.