CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessTimeWeight

Make A Plan For Life

Begin with the end in mind. In your final days, when you look back over your life, what will you be proud of? What will you savour and hold close?

Who will tidy your mess? There are many questions to answer including whether you left an inheritance, fond memories, or children.

Hopefully you will have been a net giver on this Earth. You will have a tidy and easy to understand book of your affairs for your Executor.

What fun plans will you have had, trips will you have taken, and opportunities will you have pursued.

Sit down at a computer, or with pen and paper, for one hour this weekend and write out your life from its finish, back to now. Write out the highlight real you want to watch in your later life.

Then on Monday, set to work to ensure you do all that you wrote. That’s how you create a dream life.

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Invest In Your Future

Spend money on self improvement, education, courses and coaches.

Listen carefully and follow instructions. People are there to help and have been there before.

Investing in your future will pay many dividends as the years roll on.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

Budget Well

Look at what you have and how you’re going to use it. Spend some, save some, invest some and give some away to those less fortunate at the time.

If you do budget well, your wealth will grow and you’ll do well with that discipline. Train your brain to set and stick to a budget. It’s a rare but very useful skill.

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Tidy Up Your Financial Affairs

Have you got anything outstanding? Is there an invoice you should have sent? Or perhaps some taxes that are due to be filed? Maybe you have an insurance claim or credit cards to attend to.

Whatever it is, it will take longer than you think to do and won’t get done until you sit there for several hours and sort it out. Don’t let it keep drifting along. Complete the work today!

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Book Something Fun

It doesn’t need to be expensive. There are many fun things you can do such as crazy golf, a park walk, coffee together, or even a movie while cuddled up on the sofa together.

Just have something once per week to look forward to.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime


There are times you need to sprint. Just before holidays, you sprint at work. You try to catch up and delegate and prepare ahead in that last week before you go away. You go unsustainably fast for a short period of time.

There are many times people have to do this in life. You just have to mentally prepare and then go as if every minute is precious and required. Go!

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Small Upgrades Can Have A Huge Impact

Something as simple as buying a new, somewhat fancy pen, can put a little spring in your step and bring your shoulders back so you walk with a little more confidence.

Buying a new item of clothing or a tool for your job can give you a similar feeling. You don’t need massive expenditure to get these great little jumps in life appreciation. If you make a few small but strategic purchases on high impact items or services, you can feel your life get exponentially better rather quickly.

Just don’t buy loads of things that don’t give a lasting impact. Keep the upgrades small, simple and high impact, otherwise you’re just wasting money.

CategoriesFinancialHealth & FitnessWeightWeight loss


Modern people don’t need 2,000 calories per day. I know what the ads say but I don’t think it’s been update for the WFH, laptop and tv lifestyle of 2024.

If you have more calories, how are you going to burn them off? If it’s a chore to go to the gym, then why not consume less and cancel the gym membership?

Are you eating for pleasure or survival? That’s what I thought.