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Do Not Stop Until!

Do not stop until ! You reach your goal.

Your goal could be as simple as walking 10 minutes every day for the rest of your life, or as complex as developing a mission to land people on Mars before 31 December, 2024.

Today’s goal may be to make 7 phone calls. If you’ve only made 6 and the day is ending, you need to be quick and make one more. You won’t go home until the 7 calls are completed. This will help you build determination, grit and a spirit for completing things. This in turn will help you build your confidence.

Until is a powerful word, which I took more notice of when Jim Rohn used it and discussed it many years ago.

For me, I will not stop writing this blog until I have written and posted at least 365 blog posts in a row. I will write, and post, each day from 10 January 2020 until 10 January 2021. I will not stop until I have done this. I assume I will carry on after that even.

What are your daily or weekly goals for which you will not stop until? Post your replies on Twitter with #AchieveAnything


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