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Rise Like A Phoenix

Life is going to throw stuff at you. There will be days filled with uncertainty, bleakness and enduring pain. Your head will spin. Your thoughts will collide.

You are not down and out. You will overcome this. Stand up and straighten your back. Lift your shoulders and your head. ‘Bring it on’, I say. You’re in this for the long run. You can handle the speed bumps of life.

Whether it is work related, your relationship, your finances, the coronavirus, your fitness levels, or perhaps all of them are crashing at once, you can still rise.

Know that you will persevere for however long it takes. You will not stop until you have risen back up and spread your wings. You will feel the sunshine on your face again and life will be wonderful.

Keep your eyes on the future. Know it gets better. Believe you can rise up from the ashes of past glories and rebuild again.

Quickly restart and soar!


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