CategoriesThink About It

Are These Uncertain Times?

I read a friend‘s Facebook post this morning where he noted we were in the middle of one of the greatest periods of uncertainty. Are these uncertain times? I should rephrase that to, ”Is it any more uncertain than usual”?

I believe I understood what he was saying, and on the surface I agreed, but it got me thinking.

Yes, probably most of us feel uncertain about the future right now and where this whole crazy situation is going to lead us. Though is that uncertainty any different from March 2019? Or are we simply more aware of the uncertainty?

Life is entirely uncertain. In the future at least.

There is no certainty around when you will meet your perfect match or fall in love. We don’t know if today we will get a call from an old friend, have a heart attack or fender bender, or find a £5 note on the ground.

We pretend there is certainty in our daily lives. We might like to think our lives are stable and not changing. But it is an illusion. We have our routines and expectations which help keep us calm and help us to believe there is certainty. Though, at any second, that routine can be changed by an external factor: Good or bad.

I think we live with constant change and constant uncertainty. Fortunately we don’t usually think about our future as much as we do right now.


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