
Keeping A Schedule

Depending on how the new normal has impacted you, there could be some challenges in keeping a schedule. You may be far busier than usual, at one end of the spectrum, or drifting through the day with little to do, at the other end.

Either way, it is important to be keeping a schedule. People generally perform better, feel calmer and are more productive if they keep to a regular schedule. Now schedules can shift a little as life changes but it is good to keep some habits in place as much as possible.

Getting to bed at a good time and getting up at a consistent time, with a decent amount of sleep in between (7-8 hours), is a good start. The rest of your day, you can plan out in the evening before going to bed. Then the trick is to get the things done that are on your list or calendar, in the time allocated for each item. Do this and you will increase your productivity, sense of control and your confidence.

Set a schedule for your top priorities and you will be well ahead of the game. The smaller bits and less important items will get done around the edges, some other time or never. That is ok.

The last couple of weeks I have been feeling a little rudderless as all the scheduling seemed to disappear from my life. It was fun to drift along and spend time with my family, read, write and eat. However, I noticed my increasing desire to get back to a schedule. It certainly has helped me be more productive and feel more in control of my day again.

If you are not keeping a schedule: Start. If you are keeping one, make sure it is working well for you.


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