
It Still Feels Surreal

For most of my day, I think everything seems quite normal. However, when I stop and actually think about what is happening, it still feels surreal.

As a person who does a lot of work from home, the days seems quite similar. Though, there is the added element of the children being at home. This difference adds some fun and some occasional challenges.

We’ve been ordering groceries online, and having them delivered, for over 10 years, so that hasn’t changed. We’ve been getting out for exercise as frequently too. However, maybe there has been less activity for the kids. They’ve been going without PE classes, weekend and before/after school sports. Less activity has generally meant less eating but fitness levels are bound to suffer a little.

There was a lot of adjusting, admin, following new procedures, and home schooling prep at the beginning. Now that seems to have settled down. But there will be new changes and challenges to keep us busy as we begin to emerge from Lockdown.

It’s still to be seen whether this will be a quick return to nearly normal with a v-shaped recovery or something more prolonged. Could it become one of those moments in history that was significant (36 months), but not frequently discussed, like the 1918 flu pandemic? I hope future generations will not have cause to reflect on this period the way we look back on WWI, WWII and the Great Depression.

Regardless of how long it takes to put Humpty back together again, it still feels surreal in the moment sometimes.


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