
The Miracle Of Making Progress

I love hearing success stories. It’s fantastic to learn about how people turned their lives around. The miracle of making progress is one thing I never tire hearing about.

Whether it is reading about someone I’ve never met or hearing from friends or clients, I love hearing about their progress. It is so encouraging to know that they have done their own pushups. It is great to know that they are reaping what they sow and it is turning out well.

The best gift I can receive is people feeding back to me about the new habits they have or goals they’ve achieved. Small wins are as exciting as big wins to me. They all add up over time and compound on each other.

I say it is the miracle of making progress because so few people recognise their own progress. It is a miracle that people make any progress and doubly so if they notice, and appreciate, the progress they have made.

A great way to start building miraculous progress into your life is to follow Hal Elrod and his Miracle Morning advice. I’ve used it for years. You can even just do the six minute version if you are short on time or motivation. Try it now.

Good luck and let me know about your progress.


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