CategoriesThink About It

Where In the World Would You Live?

People have been going online more and getting more comfortable with technology like videoconferencing and mobile payments. Where in the world would you live if our increasingly online world made it easy to live anywhere?

It seems like an easy decision. However, it may not be as easy as you think. It really depends on many factors. These factors could include your work, lifestyle desires, partner, children, broader family and friends.

I often go through this mental exercise. Where is the ideal place, I muse. Many places come up on my list. Considerations like nice weather year round, creature comforts and now schooling for children all come into play.

In late 2004, my wife and I bought ‘round the world‘ tickets and travelled for 15 months. We visited some fabulous places including memorable stops in Europe, Mexico, Australia and Africa.

In the end, we returned to London. We thought we would return to Canada at that time. Despite selling our property in London when we left and buying one in Mexico on our tour, we continued our life in London.

There were many places that were lovely, exciting or enchanting to visit. But there wasn’t anywhere that struck us as worth uprooting for and moving to.

It seems like an easy question to answer. But when you start getting into the detail, it is not so obvious. If you could live anywhere, where in the world would you live?


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