
Look At How Far We Have Come

It is very easy to take things for granted. In addition, we can set some pretty high expectations. If we look at how far we have come though, it is truly remarkable.

Looking at the more general advances, such as powerful, light laptops and incredible mobile phones. Smartphones didn’t exist 15 years ago and now they are ubiquitous and incredible (phone, video conference, camera, payments, etc).

Something as simple as online grocery shopping is one of my favourite. Having done this at hour house for a very long time, I think it is amazing. In about 10 minutes, on my phone, I can order the same as last week while adding a few other things and removing some too. Then some friendly person delivers it to my home in a one hour time slot of my choice. Wow.

The hours I have saved over the last decade are many. Driving to a grocery store, walking through the aisles and going through the checkout before heading home could easily be 90 minutes every week.

I know some people say we still have so far to go. And yes, if we want every aspect of life to be perfect, we probably do. But when you look at how far we have come in just 100 years, the progress is staggering.

Especially in the area of cultural adaptation, a lot seems to have changed. What I find particularly fascinating about this is that everyone is born with no reference point. If you could simply take all that your grandparents had learned, or all the information in a library, and download it into the new baby’s head, that would be quite helpful. But we can’t do that (yet).

Every baby must learn to communicate and learn everything from scratch. With so much changing and nothing being instantly transferred to the next generation at their birth, it is amazing to see how far the world has shifted.


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