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Spend Today Only Saying Good Things

Are you a cynic? Are you adept at finding the problems with things? My challenge to you is to consciously spend today only saying good things.

You may not want to read your favourite paper today. It might make the challenge easier. Frequently news outlets and social media will highlight the negative, so you wouldn’t want to get primed by that in the morning.

Each time you go to speak today, check your intent and the sentiment you were about to express. When your spouse speaks, or your child, parent, friend or coworker, pause and be sure to frame your comment in the positive.

You could try using one of the following: ‘I appreciate that observation’ or ‘How kind of you to notice’ or ‘You’re looking very fine this morning’. In addition, you could make up some good comments yourself and use those.

If you spend today only saying good things, you will create a ripple effect in the universe. Some of those good words will help others feel positive and say good things to more people. This will spread out and more people will feel good and encouraged.

Wouldn’t that be nice.

What will you do with this knowledge and power you possess? Do you really want to make a difference in the world? It’s something so simple to start with and is within your control.

Go ahead, make their day!


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