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Sometimes You Just Need A Break

Life can have moments of relative calm. It can also have periods of full speed intensity. During the crazier moments, sometimes you just need a break.

There are quite a number of things that can fill your days. For example, you might help to maintain your household, have a busy job, look after kids, be studying, be a carer, be growing a business or volunteer. Many people are trying to manage everything while doing a combination of these.

Life’s challenge is that the ‘to do’ list is always longer than the time available. So you must be careful to set some boundaries and create priorities as well as follow some cut off times. If you go non-stop too many days or weeks in a row, you may find other challenges in your life. Normally this would be your physical health and mental fortitude.

It is easier to burn out than recover from it. Occasionally we get so caught up in the cycle of doing, we don’t even realise the mental and physical toll we are having on ourselves.

Remember to schedule down time, rest time or you time. It is important to recharge your batteries. Occasionally that will mean you will not get everything on your list completed. As long as none of it is life threatening, then we should not think twice about this.

Remember, you shouldn’t push excessively for too long. Sometimes you just need a break. Make sure you schedule one in and take it. Your soul will be grateful.


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