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Precision Is The Key To Success

Whether you are attempting secondary school mathematics, or helping NASA prepare for a rocket launch, I believe precision is the key to success.

You don’t generally play a piano. You select specific keys and strike them with precision. Playing any key in any order while lazily hitting random keys together, is unlikely to make a great symphony.

The more precise you become with something, the greater your probability of success with it. I think people generally understand this concept. We see so many people trying to learn, practice and improve their skills. It could be at school on tests, in sports, or during their career.

The more precise you can be in speaking and communicating, the more success you are likely to find in whatever endeavour you pursue. This can be particularly true when you ask for something. Make sure you are clear about what your are asking for. The greater the precision, the more likely people will understand the request and be able to deliver on it.

I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.

Lily Tomlin

When following instructions it is useful to follow along precisely. For some reason, people sometimes ignore the instructions or skip over several steps. I wouldn’t be so brazen. Especially if it is important.

Follow every step precisely because precision is the key to success. ?


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