CategoriesReframe your thoughts

You Can Convince Yourself Of Anything

Some people believe in God and others do not. The placebo effect is well known and so is self-healing. You can convince yourself of anything. So what have you convinced yourself about?

Science v Faith: Do you have a science or faith based orientation?

Fact v Opinion: Do you base your decisions on the ‘facts’ of the past. Or do you let yourself have an opinion or vision of the future?

Logic v Emotion: Are you led by logic or driven by emotion?

You may even find that these answers depend on the circumstances or you have adjusted them somewhat over the years.

And what sort of jail have you created for yourself by your thoughts, beliefs and convictions? What walls have you erected around you? How high is the ceiling you have created that keeps you from soaring?

It is time to reconsider your thoughts and beliefs. Many people do not do this or they wait until it‘s too late. It may feel uncomfortable but it will get easier as you sit calmly reflecting on these sometimes brutal facts of reality.

Many people hold the same views as when they were six years old. Is it time for a refresh?

You can convince yourself of anything. So decide, commit and keep the faith.


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