
Those Super Productive Days

Some days everything just clicks. You know that feeling. Your mind is fresh, calls are succinct and effective. Those super productive days feel so good!

I had a day like that on Thursday. Everything I was doing seemed to be going so well. I was in that flow and made some great progress towards the outcomes I want.

It’s fantastic when we have days like that. It reminds us that we can. And it gives us a benchmark to compare with other days. By having less than wonderful days, we can certainly appreciate the brilliant days that much more.

Some of the key ingredients for those super productive days are: a schedule, a positive expectation of outcome, enthusiasm, focus and energy.

Some days can be harder when you don’t have a commute where you can slip into your superhero suit. And if you are able to set your own schedule, it can make it more challenging to maintain it with focused energy.

However, on the days that these things come together, you can make such significant progress, you want to do it again. That’s when the flywheel is set in motion and you get into a positive flow that you continue to build on.

Today was a little more about enjoying the heat and the sunshine. But those things I did do, went very well. I am going to surf this re-found flow for as long as I can now.


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