
Thank Goodness For Doctors And Politicians

Some people know what they want to be when they grow up. Some never figure it out. Thank goodness for doctors and politicians. Whether they fell into the roles, or they were determined from their youth, they are making it happen.

There are also a lot more people I am grateful for everyday. These include military personnel, coroners, public transport drivers, police, teachers and engineers.

Actually, there are so many more people I appreciate. I am grateful that there are enough people interested in, or willing enough, to take on all the different roles in our society. I am grateful for all of them!

You see, when I was younger, I knew I didn’t want to be in many of these professions or have those jobs or careers. They didn’t interest me. Fortunately, other people were drawn to those roles. Also quite fortunate is that most people are reasonably good at their job.

Of course there seems to be a normal distribution for everything. There are people who are exceptionally good at what they do. There are also people that are clearly not up to it. And of course, each industry has that 0.01% ish that might even have bad/criminal intent.

Thank goodness for doctors and politicians and every other job out there. Most jobs are necessary and few are easy. I appreciate every one of you because my life, in general, is better because of you.


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