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Life Is Undulating

Life does not seem to be a straight line in any area of it. For the most part, life is undulating. There are peaks and troughs to be enjoyed or endured.

Sure, there can be the occasional steep cliff or snakes and ladders moment. Although those are very memorable, as they tend to be quite emotionally charged, they are usually quite rare.

I thought about this quite a bit while we were cycling through some trails in the New Forest this afternoon.

When we were cresting the top of a hill after a long climb up it, it all seemed worth it. As we rolled on and down into another little valley, there was almost a giddy jubilation. Cycling fast along a trail, or down a hill, can feel so freeing and exciting. One might even say exhilarating.

So prepare yourself to work hard and persevere through the ups. Equally, ensure to enjoy those days of excitement. When everything is easier, especially the big, meandering, enjoyable down hills, life seems grand.

There you have it. Life is undulating. Enjoy every piece of it. You only get one. Maybe even cheer and scream as much with those larger uphills as the smaller, downhill ones.


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