CategoriesThink About ItTime

It’s All We’ve Known

Isn’t it odd how there wasn’t anything before this life we know. At least for most people, it’s all we’ve known. What came before?

There has been lots of debate about what comes after your time here is done. However, I don’t hear a lot from people discussing what came before. Certainly I don’t recall anyone mentioning their experience(s) before conception.

How odd, I thought, as I walked across a field yesterday. This life is all we’ve known. We’ve known other towns, other friends and other times. We’ve known the history of our society through ancestors and written pages, magazines and myths. But we don’t know our own personal history.

As we get older, we extend our own personal history. But it is only the history of ourselves here on Earth. There is nothing before that, for us at least.

For example, we may be on the equivalent of level five of pac-man here on earth, but we don’t know the game we were playing before pac-man. It’s all we’ve known.

Have you any stories or theories of who, or what, you were before you were here on Earth? Think about this and let me know. It’s rather fascinating.

I look forward to reading your ideas.


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