CategoriesObserveThink About It

Nature Is So Natural

Nature is a law unto itself. It does what it wants and there aren’t any consequences for it. Nature is so natural. It’s lovely.

Nature is one of those things that many people simply refer to in the positive first. There is a lot of talk about getting outside, getting back to nature and being in the great outdoors.

When saying such things, I assume most people aren’t thinking about hurricanes, rattlesnakes and Great White sharks. They are more likely to be thinking about stopping to smell the beautiful roses, petting wild (but friendly) ponies and lovely hikes, in nice weather, on well maintained trails.

Nature can be stunning, fascinating and wonderful. It can also be harsh, severe and unyielding. Nature is not politically correct. It is territorial. It can be monitored and in some cases tamed. However it always remains wild and unpredictable.

Earth, wind, fire and water can cause untold damage and significant loss of life. Nature is not playing around. You may lull yourself into a false sense of security but to your own demise if you are not careful.

Nature is so natural. There is no hidden meaning, motive, pretence or shenanigans. It can give and take. You have been warned.


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