CategoriesActionThink About It

Try Something New Today

It is easy to fall into a routine. Habits develop and then they are hard to shake. So try something new today. It could improve your life.

It is surprising how quickly your life can change. This could be from a comment, an interaction, an event or a thought. But in that split second your life begins down a whole new path.

This is happening to us with great frequency already. Though generally our decisions and thoughts remain in a fairly regular range. This range is bordered due to our habits and our comfort zone.

It feels good in that range as we know what to expect. There are few surprises here. We don’t need to think too much. And, for the most part, it makes us feel good. Even if we don’t like it, the familiarity can be comforting.

Though a great way to put some excitement into your life is by doing something different. Especially something that might lead to a more powerful or more supportive habit.

You can expand your comfort zone, build on your experience and grow your confidence all at once.

Surprisingly, once you do it once, you might do it again. Then again. Then it soon becomes a habit and changes your life.

Try something new today. One day, you’ll be glad you did.


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