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Few Things Are Straightforward

We make snap decisions all the time. There is little time to gather all the facts and then weigh them. Few things are straightforward and yet we often take an immediate view.

Why is that?

Survival instinct would be one reason. Emotional reactions, which are instinctive and learned, is another. They are also much quicker to use to come to a conclusion than any other method.

Bias is another issue. Sometimes we want an outcome to be true so badly that we will ignore strong evidence to the contrary.

Sometimes, some people, take the time to investigate both sides of the story. Of course there is nuance and uncertainty. And certain situations come down to one key element. Those that can recognise their own bias and still make a fair decision are highly regarded.

Judges, referees and umpires all make a career out of remaining objective. We rely on them to interpret the rules and the laws as set out. Both the spirit and the letter of the law can be considered. They gather the key information, weigh it, understand what they want and what is best for the situation.

Few things are straightforward. Learn to take time, gather facts from both sides, remove your bias and then present a calm conclusion. Everyone will benefit from this process.


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