
Train For Gain

Muscle memory and habits are decent predictors of where we are going and how well we will succeed. Train for gain not simply to pass time. Use your time well.

This is one of the key messages I like to focus on as a coach. When the lads show up for Sunday rugby training, I want them to train like it’s an important game. Yes, it should be fun. But whatever they are practising now will be the best they can do when under pressure from the opposition and the clock in a real match.

If your are training at your best and trying to improve every skill you will gain an advantage. It takes focus and concentration as well as discipline and patience. And the time to improve is when you are training ahead of the matches.

This is true in sport and in all aspects of life. Set a high standard. Add in increasing expectation that you meet and stretch again. Train yourself in excellent use of language, good manners, posture, critical thinking and communication. You can do this daily. Consider it your daily training regime.

It’s not simply to improve on these aspects. But one day it will matter. One day you will need to be at your best. By then, it will be too late to do the training.

So always train for gain. Be ready for the game.


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