
What An Unusual Year

2020 has almost come and gone. Life has been a little weird at times. And there are still two months to go. What an unusual year.

It feels like the months have dragged on since the beginning of the year. Though, in contrast, it feels like the year has flown past. Can you remember what you were thinking or doing in late February or early March?

Part of what makes this year stand out, obviously, is the coronavirus. It has impacted much of the planet in some way. Though it may have impacted some countries or states more than others. Policies such as lockdowns or closing shops and restaurants are being relaxed or tightened depending on the unique situations and who is actually in charge.

The British exit from the European Union is due to happen in just over 60 days as well. Although Brexit has impacted fewer people so far, it will start to have some impact on Brits, and many Europeans, in 2021.

The weather in Britain has been unusually pleasant to brilliant from March until now, which I hugely appreciate. Lots of sunshine and warm days. With enough rain to keep things fresh and green but not so frequent as to diminish our spirits.

Hopefully the year has allowed you to reflect on many things, as it has for me.

Two months remain. Make good use of them.

What an unusual year.


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