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Stand Your Ground

Life can be difficult. Challenges can be overwhelming. Self-doubt can creep in and undermine your convictions. You must stand your ground for your beliefs. Don’t fall victim to the peer pressure or perceived expectations.

“This is for the ones who stood their ground”

Bon Jovi

I have a few favourite songs that are great power anthems for the mind in times of adversity or uncertainty. One of them is Bon Jovi‘s It’s my life. It’s a fabulous song to get enthusiasm flowing and determination locked in.

Sometimes you need that extra oomph to propel you over the line. It will remind you that you’ve got to fight on for what you want and believe in. You can feel the power of the crowd behind you, even if the world seems to be against you.

The song conjures up images of people who decided to fight, or push back, despite cultural norms or expectations. People like Rosa Parks on the bus, Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, or Tank Man in Tiananmen Square.

It is also a fantastic driving song. Especially at night, in the summer, on smaller roads, with the top down. But watch that speedometer.

“You better stand tall when they’re calling you out. Don’t bend, don’t break, baby, don’t back down”

Bon Jovi

You won’t always be vindicated but sometimes you just need to stand your ground.


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