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What Is The Truth?

I said that this thing happened. They stated that it did not. We both accurately described our experience. Was somebody lying? What is the truth?

The truth is reality based on your perspective. In addition, it is from your angle, as you recall it, through your own bias. It is closer to a belief than a fact. Facts can be verified and agreed by most regular people. Truth is an opinion. If enough people share a similar opinion, it becomes accepted as a fact. It is a socialised fact.

People use the word to make their opinion sound more factual. It sounds like more people have accepted it as accurate and therefore borders on factual.

In late October, some people said that there was no vaccine for covid. By mid-November, the reports were updated and there was a vaccine for covid. So the truth can change quickly.

In sports we want accuracy and fair play. People will swear it was in or out, a point or not. We don’t always like the version of reality we are told by the referee. So VAR, TMO and others, are called upon to give their perspective and their version of things.

What is the truth?


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