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That Is The problem!

Or is it? I am sure it could be a problem but maybe not the one. It may just be the one you perceive. From your perspective. That is the problem!

You know many, though not all problems. And many, though not all solutions. However, you have selected one to focus on and declare that that is the key to it all. But maybe it isn’t.

Notice when you use generalisations and definite, or all-encompassing, statements or words. It is too easy to make broad, general statements. So be careful when you are speaking, to not do that.

Even specialists will have a limit on their expertise. They may know a lot more, and in greater detail, than most other people. However, they probably don’t know all the exhaustive problems and options or solutions.

Be curious when you are looking at the options you think you have. You may find options you didn’t even know you had. Consult friends and family to see what they can shed some light on. This is important. If you get this assessment wrong, you hurt your chances of success.

The worst point is, that if you diagnose the situation wrong, you could be solving for the wrong problem. Then the solution will be resolving a problem that may not exist.

That is the problem!


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