
Talkin’ About A Resolution

We are three weeks into the new year. How are things going? How are you feeling about nearing the end of the first month? I’m talkin’ about a resolution.

Several weeks ago, billions of people made commitments to themselves about what they would do better this year. You were one of those people.

Were you serious about it? Or was it simply wishful thinking? A serious goal requires a serious plan. Something written out with a strategy and a plan to execute.

If you didn’t have it on 1 January, you can create it now. Write out what you will do this year. Then write out what components of those goals will be done in each month. By writing out each month and the milestones you will reach, you are preparing your mind to achieve the goals.

Get this information in your planner. You will do amazing things with some planning. It will make the work easier and increase the probability of success. Each milestone is critical along your road to success. You need to be a little obsessive, not laissez-faire.

You will need some emotion, passion and energy. Get sparked and drive hard toward your goal. Achieve something in January.

I’m talkin’ about a resolution.


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