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The Minister Of Fun

We should have more fun. You might be having enough fun with whatever you are doing. But more could be good. The Minister of Fun was a position my friend created and held at University to ensure students had a great experience.

Perhaps countries should have a cabinet role with this title. We hear all about this happiness index and how much wealth one needs to improve their happiness. We also know that some people are struggling a little more now due to events of the past year (i.e. covid).

So if we are going to take our mental health more seriously, perhaps we need someone focused on good times. Obviously there would be some funding for fun activities. And we would need to ensure the activities were environmentally friendly.

Just in writing this, I feel that we could be on to something. Imagine what progress that would indicate. The potential for that government portfolio is enormous. People love fun so it is a definite vote getter.

Perhaps we need to get this note under the nose of our leaders and ask that something be done immediately. It wouldn’t matter what the story involved, if the journalist had to quote The Minister of Fun, we would all be in a great mood.


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