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My Amazing Future

Can you truly see, in detail, what your life will be like in 5 or 10 years? Does it frighten you to see it or because you can’t? My amazing future should be the theme of your ‘future you’ project.

If you could choose an amazing, exciting, wonderful and lovely future, why would you choose something else? Since you can choose any future you want, why wouldn’t you choose the absolute best future imagineable?

Maybe you have a carbon neutral private jet and an island in the pacific to escape away to. Perhaps you have a Michelin starred chef to cook all of your meals. Your relationship with your partner is astonishingly caring, warm and strong. In addition, you seem to enjoy your everyday to the max, regardless of whether you are at work or play.

You seem to attract great people and situations into your universe. Remarkably, you are wildly comfortable chatting to, and speaking in front of, large groups of diverse people.

You took the classes, read the books, watched the videos and practiced repeatedly over the years so that you could become the person you dreamed of with the life you thought was idyllic.

Remember that my amazing future is as attainable as any rubbish or boring future. So choose very wisely what you will spend your life’s time working towards.


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