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Put That Can Back

The environment is an important topic for many. Yet often people will be discussing ways to reduce emissions while drinking. Put that can back! And that bottle of whatever.

People forget that the main cause of pollution and emissions is people consuming things. So look at what you are consuming and reflect on how things could be different.

I’m an advocate of being sensible and practical and reducing all unnecessary consumption. Every time we consume something, it creates a chain of events of disruption, pollutions and emissions. The can or bottle you are holding in your hand while at your own home is likely to be unnecessary.

When I am at home or in an office, I try to drink water from the tap. As much as I would like to have a different drink, I try to use the one that is contributing the least to greenhouse gases. This is often plain tap water.

No kettle required. No heat needed to boil water for a hot drink. It’s very simple. No machines created to dig up metals and minerals. Those materials then aren’t required to become cans or bottles. If they do, they are then filled, shipped and distributed locally. It feels like an awful lot of effort to get some flavoured water in you.

If you actually want to help reduce emissions, put that can back!


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