
Nothing Lasts Forever

It was a huge adrenaline rush jumping off the Pipeline Bungy Bridge in Queenstown New Zealand. It was a long way down but nothing lasts forever. Eventually, as my head stretched toward the thin ribbon of water carving between two giant walls of rock, I went no further.

Then as the bungy cord began to have its effect, I slowly began to be pulled back up into the sky. Then more rapidly, as I was slingshot back toward the bridge that I had lept off less than a minute before. The time did seem to freeze and last forever. Then gravity kicked in and had its way with me once again.

I remember peaking high in the air, like the coyote after running off the side of the mountain in a roadrunner episode. Everything seemed to stop.

Then my rapid descent started again.

It’s a bit like life. There are ups and downs. Moments that freeze in time. Fascinating moments of adrenaline. But in the end, things keep moving. We don’t linger very long at any point. Things that are scary become less so. Anxieties that seem to get worse will get better. Success and amazing outcomes soon return to the normal.

You can find things to be amazing, awesome, frightening and challenging.

Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy the full range of emotions.


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