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Let’s Go!

I love a great call to action. I can clench my fist, pump my arm and shout it out. This one has a lot of power in it. Let’s go!

This phrase is fantastic for getting the blood flowing and building huge enthusiasm from the start. People rally around it because it includes everyone when it is said.

Some phrases invoke almost warrior status. This is one of those phrases. I coach U14 rugby for London Scottish and it is a phrase I use quite a bit. I am missing the training sessions during this lockdown. And it has been almost a year since our last match. I know the boys are getting antsy for it too.

So come on! Let’s go! We will be getting back into it soon.

When you want to rally the troops and you need a good phrase, this one fits the bill. It implies we are going together. And this is what makes it so great. You feel like a team when you use it. And it can really get people full of passion and intensity.

The team that can harness this phrase in a positive way, will succeed. They will also feel greater camaraderie. So use it and unleash the passion.

Let’s go!


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