
Coasting Along Is Comfortable

We’ve all done it. We’ve put our feet up and just coasted. We could put in more work or work harder but we needed a break. Coasting along is comfortable. The challenge can come when it is time to take off the cruise control.

Now being comfortable is not a bad thing. It can be quite a good thing for your physical and mental health. And coasting is all relative too. If you are used to a 100 hour work week, dropping down to 70 might seem like a massive gear shift.

Timing is also relative. If you get on cruise control for two weeks of the year, that might be fine. However, if you are still on cruise control after two or three years, there may be a problem.

We all need a rest now and then. Though, having a continual rest may not be good for mind, body or soul. The saying, ”Use it or Lose it”, springs to mind here.

So remember to kick yourself in the pants once in a while. Few people will bother to remind you. But you need to get revved up about something and attack it.

Coasting along is comfortable. Just don’t make it your lifestyle.


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