CategoriesActionThink About It

You Don’t Have To Think But It Helps

Reacting is easy. It rarely requires thought. A person says or does something and you weigh in with your comments. You don’t have to think but it helps.

Why does it help if you pause and reflect on things before engaging your mouth? First of all, you probably only know the tip of the iceberg. Secondly, what you do know is likely biased by the provider of the information. Thirdly, your immediate opinion will be biased by your own experience and philosophy. Finally, you may not truly believe what you say. You may instead be giving an emotional response without clear balance.

In our fast paced society, many people have a tendency to see from one angle and comment from one perspective. It has also become more common to side with the purported underdog. We must take the time to improve this. Otherwise, we will find more people shouting and arguing over biased headlines without any substance.

Slow things down. Assess how everything progressed to where it is now. Acknowledge what you feel is the right answer. But then, take some time to explore alternative viewpoints. Remember, just because you don’t want gravity to exist doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

If you want a calmer, more enjoyable life, try this out. You don’t have to think but it helps.


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