
You Have My Attention

Possibly the most valuable thing in the modern world. People act up to get it and also pay vast sums for it. You have my attention now so what are going to do with it?

In person, you can lure my conscious thought by a touch. At a distance, it is usually audio or visual that attracts me to what you are up to.

Think about how much time, effort and money is spent on trying to bring you along. In addition, they want to keep you on the ride for a bit or get in your head and stay forever.

Sometimes it will be to try to help you with useful information or medical assistance. Other times it is to sell you toys, ideas and food. There really is an endless supply of reasons for which people will try to attract your mind to them.

However, you do not have to get involved. You can leave the room when a commercial is on, not answer the door when it’s knocked on or leave the phone unanswered when it is an unknown number. Although you may get caught out by a friend, family member or your work colleague. They may contact you and borrow some of your precious time. Make sure it is worth it.

You have my attention. Please treat it well.


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