
Reaching Magic Numbers

Certain numbers feel good. They look right and have meaning. Reaching magic numbers can make us feel great whether it’s a significant date, time, score, weight, income or something else.

Hitting a certain target is fun and exciting. Roger Bannister cracking the four-minute mile is one of those moments. Three minutes and 59 seconds for anything else is not very stirring. But that barrier, at that time, for that distance, will be remembered by many.

Birthdays have this appeal too. Celebrating one’s 10th, 16th, 40th and 65th birthday seems to have more emotional and social significance than many of the other milestone figures, before, during or after these.

I hit some magic numbers this week which felt good. Yesterday I posted my 500th daily consecutive blog post. Staying with that 500 milestone, my Instagram account has attracted that number of followers from a dozen in January. There may be some relationship between those two milestones.

I’m grateful for all the follows and hope everyone is getting good value from my daily posts. It is interesting to see things grow and develop. It will be nice to see what numbers will be significant in three and six months from now. In addition, I’ll be interested to see what milestones will be reached in 5 and 10 years.

Reaching magic numbers is exciting. What numbers are you getting excited about?


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