
Discovery And Comfort

Do you love trying new things? Some people do, but others prefer their known comforts. Discovery and comfort both have their place in our lives. I imagine that most people would benefit from a little bit of both.

We need discovery to find and try new things. Then some of those things will become our favourites and give us comfort because we know them. However, if we get too accustomed to the known we will miss out on the not known.

Herein lies the conundrum of searching for more, new and novel versus sticking with what is known, safe and easy. Discovery allows us to find things that could bring us greater joy. However, comfort allows us to enjoy and appreciate that which we already have.

Many of us will have a favourite album, book or film. In addition to those, you might have a preferred restaurant, dish or dining companion.

Sticking with a favourite dish in a preferred restaurant eliminates the opportunity of finding something equally enjoyable or even better. Sometimes it is just the idea of having something different that is appealing.

Always searching for the latest, newest or most enjoyable item can also be quite tiring and leaves little time for appreciation. Although it can be rather exciting with many wonderful consequences.

There are upsides and downsides to discovery and comfort.


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