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How To Live Intentionally

Are you on auto-pilot? Do you get through the day because of your habitual thoughts and actions? Learn how to live intentionally and you could dramatically alter the course of your life in just a few months.

Making intentional choices about what we want in, and out of, our life is our greatest power. We have the power to make choices every day. What is it that is stopping us from making the choices we want? Do you even know what you want?

This is not a question about what others need or want. Perhaps you have suppressed your own emotions and desires for so long, you can’t easily answer the question.

Start thinking about what, and who, you want in your life today. Decide what brings you joy and what doesn’t. Take a shelf in your house and really look at each item on it. Pick up each item and ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” If it does not, then remove it from the shelf today. Send it to a charity shop so it can find its rightful home.

If you want to keep it, be certain that this is the exact spot you want it to live in your house for now. If not, you should move it now to where it will bring you the greatest joy.

Learn how to live intentionally or you could fumble along in a fog of meh.


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