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Provide Value To Receive Money

The economy is not rigged. The world is not run by 30 all-powerful people. Think this through folks. You need to provide value to receive money.

Now there are a lot of other things you could receive. However, the main culture around the world is to give money to those providing a valuable product or service.

The greater the perceived value for the item in question, the greater the amount of money to change hands. No one forces you at gun-point to buy your groceries from Ocado or Tesco. Neither do people force you to use Amazon to buy books, gifts or tech equipment.

However, the natural flow of things means that if you do use a certain company to fulfil your desires, it will receive your money. So, if lots of people do this, the company will receive lots of money. No conspiracy or rigged system.

If you have a problem with your money going to Amazon employees, suppliers and shareholders, then stop using their services. It really is that simple. However, you are unlikely to stop the millions of other consumers from using their service. But if they did, they would shrink out of existence like Blockbuster and Kodak.

You need to provide value to receive money. What value are you creating for others?


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