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The Retirement Idea

Is it a myth or reality? Even if it was realistic for everyone, would everyone want to do it? The retirement idea is an interesting one.

Leaving one’s job and ceasing to work is roughly what the Oxford dictionary says it means. The ceasing to work is the bit that I find most interesting.

The idea that you do not work at all from that magical date, might be alluring for some. However, many others may find it a bit stressful not working at anything. So we have to dig at its meaning a little more.

Would it have to be no paid work or simply no working at all? What if you like your work? Many older people continue to work at their career job well after retirement age. Musicians and actors are both groups where we see some people working into their 70’s. Entrepreneurs and business owners can also be found working into their 70’s, 80’s and even 90’s.

Other people who work in occupations outside of the spotlight can also carry on working past the official retirement age.

For some, they like keeping busy. For others, they don’t have something else they would necessarily like to do. Others do it to keep some money coming in, even if they don’t really need it. Still others continue to work because the extra income helps them have the income they want or need.

The retirement idea may need a rethink.


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