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The Two Types Of People

Are you a giver or a helper? These two concepts seem closely related but there is a fundamental difference. The two types of people are often bundled together, but there are good reasons not to do that.

Both types seem to want to assist others. They either help the person out of a difficult situation or aim to bring them joy.

The giver tends to provide something that the receiver does not have. This can be physical, financial, emotional, mental or spiritual.

The helper tends to guide, encourage and support the other person while they find their own way. This can take a little longer but the self-generated help does more than simply solve the short term issue.

Although it does resolve the immediate concern, the person in need learns to solve their own challenges. They will build resilience and develop a constructive way of thinking for next time and for other circumstances.

The helper provides much more than the giver. Not only in up front time and support along the way, but also in giving their confidence to the other person. Feeling like someone believes in you can lift spirits and create great longer term self-esteem benefits.

If you give, you tend to continue to give more. If you help them learn, they can stand on their own and then pay it forward too.

The two types of people exist. Which will you be?


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