CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Listen To Yourself

Have you heard yourself speak recently? We make up stories all the time. We add in details without consideration. Listen to yourself speak. Then critically assess what words you are using and why.

This situation happens more often when we take someone’s words and try to make sense of them. A person will have said something and you will now try to make sense of it.

The challenge starts right there. There are a number of items to consider off the top. Firstly, who is saying this and how do you feel about them? Do they have some experience of the topic? Is this all opinion and experience based? Or can we use some facts to triangulate around?

Secondly, lets ask them to go deeper and clarify what they are saying. It’s best to get clarification from the original source. It is their precise intention that matters most in this situation.

Thirdly, in the absence of being able to question the speaker, try assessing their perspective. What could they have meant? The tougher part here is to do this without only looking from your own perspective. Try using my six chairs method to exercise your mind and consider different viewpoints. I covered this in my blog on April 24th 2020.

Otherwise, be careful you don’t make up a story that suits your mood, thoughts and comfort zone. You can easily create a story that isn’t helpful or accurate. If you have made up a story where you have filled in the blanks, go back to the start and listen to yourself.


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