
Gratitude Is Great

When was the last time you said you were grateful for something? Who did you say it to? Gratitude is great if you actually do it. Writing it down and speaking it out loud are two great ways to express it well.

My daughter’s bedtime routine includes reflecting on the day and discussing what we are grateful for. Usually this part is done between my wife and daughter. This time was one for me though.

She asked me what three things I was grateful for today. Being asked the question by someone else creates a different level of importance on the question. You don’t really have to think about the question if you are doing it on your own. Just thinking about the idea of gratitude is enough to get you going. But it is not the same.

It was better to have the discussion. And I couldn’t be lazy or cop out with just one or two. It made me really think about what aspects of the day made me most grateful. It was such a good experience, I might try to do that more often with her.

I do write in a gratitude journal most mornings, though it is a little different. With my daughter it is out loud rather than written. Also, reviewing the day in the evening before sleeping can certainly help with recall.

Gratitude is great.


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