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Worrying Helps No One

Getting concerned about Covid? Perhaps tensions in the Middle East have you concerned. Worried about food shortages? Worrying helps no one so why do we bother?

Why do we read about things that we can’t or won’t impact? What is it that compels us to investigate, learn, debate and organise our thoughts for? We can become quasi experts in a field but not act on any of the information.

I used to watch a lot of horror films as a tween and early teen. I also read quite a bit about the supernatural, ghosts and such. I am not sure why I did that, though there are some theories kicking around.

However, I then stopped. No more spooky books and then no more horror movies. Life is short and I wasn’t enjoying those knowledge or entertainment moments anymore.

If I were to die tomorrow, would I have wanted to spend any of those final hours watching an unnerving movie? So if not then, why ever?

This thinking is also why I rarely read any newspaper articles and watch any news channel even less than that.

If I am not actively making an impact on some topic, why spend time worrying about the ifs and buts of it? I could fill my mind with wonderful things such as great memories, the progress being made in the world and funny jokes.

Worrying helps no one. Fill your mind with joyful thoughts.


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