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Use Affirmations Frequently

Yes you might feel uncomfortable doing this. You might even cringe a little just thinking about it. But really, you probably do negative affirmations all the time. You might say, ‘I am so stupid’, ‘I am an idiot’ or even ‘I am terrible with money’.

Think about that. You are willing to say pretty rough stuff to yourself but cringe when thinking about saying something nice. And the nice stuff is probably more accurate on the whole too!

Try saying, ‘I am a very good person’ or ‘I am pretty fit’ or even, ‘I am quite good with several financial aspects’.

Those aren’t so cringeworthy. They are simply stating how it is, fairly accurately.

So think of 5-10 ‘I am’ phrases you’re comfortable saying and start saying them to yourself every 30 minutes. Brainwash yourself. Love bomb yourself. And don’t just say them. Feel them when you say them. Stand straight and tall. Smile. Be proud of who you are in the moment.

After a few weeks of half-hourly affirmations, you’ll have convinced yourself about how good you really are. Then you are on your way to being Unstoppable. You will be able to achieve anything.

Use affirmations frequently.


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