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Have Rational Discussions

This can be hard for people. Because we start with an emotional position and look to rational-lies them, it can be hard to have balanced discussions.

You might wonder why people on the other side of your opinion don’t all simply come to the table and have rational conversations. You might not notice how you then can’t have a rational conversation about something else.

For example, if you’re a Remainer (I.e. anti-Brexit in the UK) you might query why Brexiteers hold such an impassioned view. However, only some hold an empassioned view. Many could provide a logical argument for their position. Though it may be easier to generalise and assume all people with the alternate view are unreasonable.

That same person might find it difficult to be restrained or balanced on other topics. If you’re unsure, there are few topics more polarising than Donald Trump, even in these post-President days.

A friend noted that it is important to give credit where it is due. That we should acknowledge the fair points of the opposing side or we can’t have a proper discussion. We will become polarised. It was, and is, a good observation. It is harder to live by though, for most people.

Have rational discussions. It’s harder than it looks. Try it. You’ll be better for it.


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